You’ve probably heard of some of the most popular PC-exclusive games. This article is going to be focused on League of Legends, an immensely popular title that fans have been playing for years.
We’re going to take you through each step of the account creation process, as well as give you a general overview of the game in question. If you’re a newcomer to LoL, this is the article for you.
Most people around the globe are still spending their days in lockdown. Therefore, there’s no better time to jump into League of Legends than now.

What is League of Legends?
League of Legends (often referred to as LoL) is an online-only multiplayer battle arena game (or MOBA), not unlike the equally-popular Dota 2. The game takes place in an extensive high fantasy universe that blends elements from other genres, as well, such as steampunk and Lovecraftian horror.
Players compete in matches, usually against an enemy team of players and sometimes against AI-controlled bots. Typically, victory is earned by destroying the opposing team’s “Nexus”.
The Nexus is the key building of any team. It is guarded by a variety of defenses – including turrets and towers – along with the enemy team itself.
Players assume control of one of an eclectic selection of characters known as “Champions”, each with their own unique abilities, skill sets, and team roles. Unlike in other games, there is no overarching progression for champions.
Instead, the gold, items, and experience you earn are exclusive to each match. This enables all players to start on equal footing.
Replacing character progression is account progression. Although you’ll always begin each match with a first-level champion, your account is still eligible for tons of exclusive, high-level rewards.
Overall, League of Legends is an exciting and frenetic multiplayer game that emphasizes team play and individual dedication and effort. If this sounds like your cup of tea, read on to find out how you can make your account today.
How to Make an Account
Setting up a League of Legends account is really simple. Below, we go through the quick and easy steps to get you started in no time.
- Open any browser window.
- Follow this link for playing on your PC. You can also download it from the Google Play Store.
- Enter a username, and choose wisely. There’s no changing it after account creation is complete. The site will also tell you if a username is already in use or otherwise invalid.
- Choose a strong password for your account. Include at least one uppercase letter, three to four lowercase letters, and at least four unique characters or numbers.
- Enter an active email address. Make sure you can receive any and all emails, as this will be used to verify your account.
- Enter your date of birth. Users below the age of 18 may not be eligible to play.
- Download the game client from the link provided after creating the account.
- Once the download is complete, open up the application, then log in with your account details.
- Follow the in-game prompts to choose your summoner’s name and profile picture.
- Finally, click “play” as soon as you’re ready to begin your first game of League of Legends.
How to Play League of Legends
We won’t go into anything too extensive here, as that would require an entirely separate article in and of itself. However, we can provide you with some general gameplay tips to improve your League of Legends skills just a little bit quicker.
Take a look at these tips to give yourself a boost in your gaming.
- Don’t worry about specific characters and positioning for your first five levels.
- That being said, pay attention to map details and at least take note of the different positions. This will help when it comes to communication with your team.
- Check the minimap regularly.
- Try out the different positions, but actually focus on one.
- Find some champions that you like, then play a ton of games with them.
- When you feel comfortable with the basics, don’t be scared to give some other champions a try.

Hopefully, this article has convinced you to give the game a try, because it’s a blast to play. If you’re serious about it after a while, consider getting a premium account, too.
Otherwise, treat this game like any other. There’s a learning curve to every game out there, and as long as you’re aware of it and you respect it, you’ll come out on top…eventually.